Warning! The links in this blog entry will make you laugh your a** off!
Let’s get straight to it. Chris D’Elia has become a force of comedy that cannot be ignored. If you are a fan of standup comedy, a casual sitcom watcher, or a vine lover, chances are you know who he is and love him. If not then keep reading!
Chris has made a name for himself in the television world starring in two seperate sitcoms. Whitney, which ran for two seasons, has a 50% rotten tomato user rating. Undateable in its first season has a 92% user rating. We have a feeling he won’t be leaving the TV scene any time soon.
D’Elia is an intoxicating stand up comic and has the chops to go onstage without material, mess with a few people in the crowd and end up making the whole room light up. Here are a couple of great examples of his crowdwork, seemingly effortless:
But the real reason we are here is to showcase his improv skills through short 7 second videos called “Vines”. Some people consider Chris the king of vine comedy and it seemed to happen quickly. There are something like 12 or more Chris D’Elia vine compilation videos that people have taken the time to put together on youtube, most of which have different vines with few repeats. He also consistently updates his vine page. You might notice he vines a lot singing in his car. Here’s a couple compilation links:
There are many more that will pop up when you finish these. There are also many more standup comedy videos of his.
On a side note the singing while vining in his car has become controversial because he’s driving while doing it. If you read the comments on youtube on some of his vine videos people get in huge arguments about it. Here’s him talking about it on Conan. What’s your take?
One more thing. Check out another vine comedy king’s who recently passed whom D’Elia love. Nick Spears. It’s what Chris would want.
Don’t forget to check out Denver’s own who will make the room light up at the RISE Comedy Playhouse! Contact us for questions about the Playhouse or the Denver comedy scene.