Standup Comedians To Look Out For: Kurt Braunohler – Standup Comedy

Kurt BraunohlerStandup comedy is interesting.  Much like every other art form, it has mega stars that have pretty much become household names, such as Dave Chappelle, Louis CK and Chris Rock.  If you really fall in love with the it, however, you will find that it has its share of amazing up and coming, indie acts, much like if you were to find a great underground band.  Of these incredible acts, few stand out as much as Kurt Braunohler.

Braunohler, who cut his teeth in New York City doing improv for over a decade, started doing stand up when he realized making a living off of improv was not entirely economically feasible.  Since then, he has grown into one of the most interesting acts in Los Angeles and is constantly pushing the boundaries of what a stand up can and cannot do on stage. 

He also hosts his own podcast on the Nerdist Network entitled The K Ohle.In it, he splits the format up into a show all about pet news, one that is a parody of Radio Lab as well as one where he takes another comedian to somewhere they’ve never been called “Get Lost.”  The show is highly entertaining and worth a listen whenever you get a chance.

When it comes down to it, if you are trying expand your comedy horizons and truly find out about great new artists, there is no better place to start then Kurt Braunohler.  If you are interested in seeing a comedy show live, please contact us.