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RISE Comedy - Denver Improv Comedy Bar & Theater - Improv Comedy Classes

Show Details

Show Date: Saturday, November 18, 2023 @ 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM MT
Location: RISE Comedy, 1260 22nd St, Denver, CO 80205
Price: $16/advance & $19/door + ticketing fee
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Not My Robot & Johnny Anybody (RISE Comedy House Teams) – Third Saturdays @ 9:00 PM MT

RISE House teams represent the theaters style of long form improv. These veteran performers bring you a show based on your suggestion and make it up on the spot. It’s like making a sitcom up right on the spot. The House Team hour will feature two stellar teams! Two shows for the price of one! Can’t beat that.

Not My Robot!
Chris Cecot
Lauren Lyga
Sarah Cantor
Paul Ronjak
Maria Lazarte
Jim Clemens
Kaitlin Kennedy
COACH – Todd Couch

Johnny Anybody
Megan Kudzma
Charles Mustaklem
Chandler Harris
Cody Ullrich
Clark Jones
Luda Bonuel
Gretchen Grunzke
Denise Torp
Nick Brown
COACH – Haley Cohen