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Class Details

Class Runs: Monday evenings @ 6:30 PM - 9:15 PM MT
Class Dates: Mon 11/27 - Mon 1/15 (6 classes total)
Location: RISE Comedy, 1260 22nd St, Denver, CO 80205
Instructor(s): Jared Mcbain
Price: $325/person
Special Notes:
  • This class skips two weeks to accommodate the holiday season. There is no class on 12/25 and 1/1.
  • Students will receive an email with class details and links 12-24 hours before the class. If you do not see this email, please check your spam folder as well!
  • Minimum class size is 8 students.

IMPROV 101 (Mondays 11/27-1/15 @6:30pm Skipping 12/25 & 1/1)

Level 101 is a class dedicated to FUN and finding yourself as an improviser. You’ll explore the core concept of “Yes, And…” and how it relates to life both onstage and offstage. You’ll discover ways to hear and enhance your inner voice. Most of all, you’ll have a BLAST!
This class skips two weeks to accommodate the holiday season. There is no class on 12/25 and 1/1.
Prerequisite: All Levels are Welcome!
Student Showcase:  2/4 more details to come

Jared McBain has been studying and performing improv for over 15 years in Denver and spent time learning and performing improv in Chicago, IL as well. Before moving to Chicago, he performed in countless shows all across Denver and was the winner of Season 4 of Denver’s Next Improv Star. In Chicago, he studied improv at the iO Theater, The Annoyance, and The Second City and was cast on a house team at the iO Theater. Now back home in Denver, Jared performs regularly all around town. You can catch him every Saturday night at RISE hosting The Duel with Hot Nap.