Like Walter White & Jesse Pinkman, a great improv duo is all about chemistry. Dynamic Duo proves that concept by bringing you an improv comedy showcase with three pairs of awesome improvisers each doing their own set. Come see how each duo works together off your suggestion to create a truly unique, two-of-a-kind comedy experience. Hosted this month by Spare The Horses, and featuring Young and Hot Again, and …Keith is Bringing Ice!
Young and Hot Again
Chris Gropp and Jared McBain were always young and hot, but now they are again too.
…Keith Is Bringing Ice
Tom Smaldone just got a procedure done, and retired nurse Keith Rains is bringing ice. Probably neither will be doing anything physical.
Spare The Horses
Jim Gaffney and James Imes are not above beating a dead horse if the occasion calls for it.