Group Shower is a Portland, Oregon-based comedy troupe consisting of Andrew Kathan, Megan Reay, James Seminara, Tessa Waring, and Lucas Salazar. Performing together for over 2 years, these five close friends toe the line between raunchy and loveable as they display their chemistry both on stage and off. Oft labeled “a handsy team,” their intimacy shines through to create a piece that wouldn’t make sense anywhere else but right here. Past performances have been at the 2024 Portland Sketch Comedy Festival, the 2024 Shady Pines Festival, the 2023 Shady Pines Festival, at Kickstand Comedy, and at the Curious Comedy Theater.
Bedtime Worldwide is a Denver, CO based comedy and production group. Specializing in live and digital production, BTWW has been performing and creating shows, sketches, and more since 2021. Bedtime Worldwide — Come Sleep With Us.